The CASA Pilot Training Syllabus (Aeroplanes) from zero experience through to Commercial Pilot License is divided into 5 training phases:
- Pre Solo
- Pre Area Solo
- General Flying Progress Test (GFPT)
- Private Pilot License
- Commercial Pilot License
The syllabus is a detailed document however to give you an idea of the type of skills that you will need to demonstrate competency in, we have selected parts of the syllabus here:
Control aircraft on Ground: start & Stop Engine / Taxi aeroplane
Take off aeroplane: Carry out pre take off procedures, take off aeroplane, carry out after take off procedures
Control aeroplane in normal flight: climb aeroplane, maintain straight and level flight, descend aeroplane, turn aeroplane, control aeroplane at slow speed, perform circuits and approaches, comply with airspace requirements.
Land aeroplane: land and perform mishandled landing procedures
Execute advanced procedures and manoeuvres: enter and recover form stall, recover form incipient spin.
Manage abnormal situations: Manage engine failure after take off, manage engine failure in circuit.
Operate Radio: use RT Equipment
Manage fuel: plan fuel requirements, manage fuel system
Manage flight: maintain effective lookout, Maintain situation awareness • Assess situations and make decisions • Set priorities and manage tasks • Maintain effective communications and interpersonal relationships
Threat and error management: Recognise and manage threats • Recognise and manage errors • Recognise and manage undesired aircraft state
Perform full instrument panel manoeuvres: Determine and monitor serviceability of flight instruments and instrument power sources • Perform manoeuvres using full instrument panel to re-establish VFR.
Navigate aircraft: Prepare chart and flight plan • Comply with airspace procedures • Conduct departure procedures • Navigate aircraft enroute • Navigate at low level and in reduced visibility • Perform lost procedure • Perform diversion procedure • Use radio navigation aids • Execute arrival procedures.
Manage Abnormal Situations 2: Manage engine failure after take-off • Manage engine failure elsewhere in circuit • Perform forced landing • Conduct precautionary search and landing • Manage other abnormal situations.
Perform full instrument panel manoeuvres: Determine and monitor serviceability of flight instruments and instrument power sources • Perform manoeuvres using full instrument panel to re-establish VFR.
This provides a brief introduction to the CASA pilot training syllabus and the things you will need to be able to do before sitting for your flight test.