Air Traffic Control conversations available in “real time” by clicking HERE
Thanks to this links you to a web page with a number of airports in our region.
If you would like to listen to our airport, scroll down to YMMB: Moorabbin Melbourne
Please Note:
- Sometimes the feed is not active (this will be highlighted by a note “Feed Status: Down”)
- If the feed is not active at Moorabbin Air Traffic Control, we suggest trying another Australian airport like Bankstown in Sydney or Archerfield in Brisbane (both training airports like Moorabbin) or Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth or Cairns.
- If its late at night here in Australia or very early morning, you probably wont here much radio traffic. Moorabbin Airport is UTC +10 hours Eastern Standard Time (April-September) and UTC +11 hours Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (October-March).If you are not sure what time it is now at Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne CLICK HERE
- The website supports a number of different media. Just select the one that suits your computer and you’ll be listening in no time, This is fantastic way for you to become familiar with our standard radio calls and when not listening to international air crews or international students like yourself, you can adjust your ear to the Australian accent.
Air Traffic Control at Moorabbin Airport is provided by Air Services Australia. The airport has a Control Zone of 3nm radius from 0 – 2500 ft. The Tower operates between the hours of 0800 to 1900 (local). During Daylight Saving time the ATC service may extend until 2200. When Air Traffic Control is available, the airport operates under the Australian GAAP procedures. The tower is not radar equipped, but has direct communication with Melbourne Jetport radar services. When Air Traffic Control is not available, the Moorabbin Control Zone is reclassified as class G airspace, and becomes a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF). The airfield is available 24 hours a day, with lighting displayed continuously for Runways 13/31 and 17/35 during the hours of darkness. Moorabbin Airport has a NDB with an approved Instrument Approach Also available is the Moorabbin GNSS (RNAV) approach for runways 17L/35R.